Clomid (50 tablets)
2,000 ฿ Original price was: 2,000 ฿.1,195 ฿Current price is: 1,195 ฿. Add to cart

Clomid (50 tablets)

Original price was: 2,000 ฿.Current price is: 1,195 ฿.


Each tablet contains:

50mg of Clomiphene Citrate (Clomid)

50 tablets per bottle

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When planning a PCT cycle, Clomid is one of the most common products used by experienced bodybuilders.

What is Clomid:

Clomid (Clomiphene Citrate) is in the class of drugs called Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators (SERM). It has anti-estrogen effects and was originally developed as a fertility medication for women who do not ovulate normally.

Clomid is also sometimes prescribed for the treatment of hypogonadism in men as an alternative option to testosterone replacement therapy…with excellent results (which increases the output of luteinizing hormone by the pituitary gland).

In the world of bodybuilding, Clomid is highly prized for its ability to mitigate estrogenic side effects caused by many steroids during a cycle, as well as combating the suppression of natural testosterone from using steroids (which is the main goal of its use in post cycle therapy).

Two of the most dreaded estrogen caused side effects that anabolic steroid users want to avoid are water retention and gynecomastia (gyno).

Clomid is useful for tackling both of these adverse effects which, if left to advance, can both lead to some serious negative implications.

Excess water retention can not only ruin your physique and mask your gains, but also lead to high blood pressure. While gyno can become untreatable if left too long, with surgery being the only option.

So it goes without saying that Clomid is a powerful tool in the arsenal of any anabolic steroid user.

Clomid for Post Cycle Therapy (PCT):

When you’re on a steroid cycle using synthetic versions of testosterone or derivatives of the hormone, your body is running with much higher testosterone levels than you’d normally be able to produce.

The body knows this, and as a result simply halts the production of normal testosterone, or at least decreases it to a very low level.

When you stop your steroid cycle, the sudden end to synthetic testosterone going into the body can cause a massive crash and serious low T side effects.

The purpose of PCT is to bring your body back up to normal hormone function. Without PCT, you would be on a very slow uphill battle waiting for your T levels to get back to normal…if they ever do.

Clomid is beneficial when included in a post cycle therapy plan after a steroid cycle when testosterone levels will have been suppressed to a very low or even non-existent level.

The goal of PCT is to increase endogenous testosterone back to normal levels so you can avoid the serious effects of low testosterone:

  • low libido
  • loss of muscle mass
  • gaining body fat
  • low mood
  • decreased energy and strength
  • poor mental concentration

The timing of the start of your Clomid use will depend on which steroid compounds you’ve used in your cycle.

Steroids with a short life can have you needing to start PCT within just days of finishing your steroid cycle, while some other large ester steroids can require you to wait two-three weeks before starting post cycle therapy as the steroid effects continue to remain active for some time after your last dose.

Depending how heavy your steroid use is, it can take many weeks or even several months to recover your normal testosterone function and restore levels to what they were before your steroid cycle.

Clomid is a powerful, but not necessarily the only tool in the box when it comes to effective post cycle therapy.

Clomid Dosage for Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) and Increased Endogenous Testosterone Secretion:

Higher doses of Clomid are to be used for the purpose of post cycle therapy. Normally this will start in the 100mg per day range at the start of the PCT cycle. Usually this level of dosage will run for up to two weeks, but it depends on your steroid cycle and for some men, just one week at this higher Clomid dosage can be sufficient.

The next one to two week period of PCT will then drop the Clomid dosage down to 50mg daily. A good PCT cycle will run for at least 3 weeks, and up to 6 weeks.

The majority of bodybuilders will not use Clomid alone in PCT, finding that it is not effective enough as a sole drug, but instead used alongside Nolvadex and HCG (and sometimes an aromatase inhibitor as well) to maximize the efficiency that normal testosterone function can be restored.

Clomid Side Effects:

Clomid is considered to be a mild SERM that is tolerated well by most men. Despite this, it is still possible to experience some side effects when using Clomid, but keep in mind that many people will have no side effects at all.

Potential side effect risks of Clomid for men include negative changes to the mood.

Headaches, hot flushes, diarrhea and nausea are other possibilities mainly reported by women taking Clomid and are not as relevant to men.